Bank Century case began with the fall of the banks due to misuse customer funds in motion by bank owners and family century. Discharge news came from an injection of funds in the amount of fantastic country is 6.7 billion dollars. No one else respo so extraordinary that the government is willing to bail out the reach trillion and IDR which sparked a public outcry.
She said the finance minister when it was bailed out in doing so avoid the collapse of Indonesian banks to avoid the loss of customer confidence and investor to several banks in Indonesia. Who makes the effort bail out troubled banks is the status of the century when it does not have adequate liquidity.
Chronology of Bank Century case
2003 - the beginning of the century bank case originated from 2003 when the bank CIC in the know get into trouble. CIC issues affecting the bank indicated by the presence of foreign exchange letters which reached 2 trillion dollars. The foreign exchange has no ratings, long term, low interest, and not easily sold. Indonesian banks eventually provide merger advice Gunga overcome problems in the bank.
2004 - Indonesian bank in accordance with the advice of CIC bank was merged with Bank Pikko and Bank Danpac who later changed her name to Bank Century. Various securities of foreign exchange balance sheet continues bercokoldalam bankk century. Basically been suggested that Indonesian banks to sell foreign exchange, but shareholders rejected the suggestion
shareholders prefer to produce an agreement to change the foreign currency securities into deposits at Dresdner Bank, swis. turns deposits grown at Dresdner Bank in the bill turned out to be difficult.
2005 - the year the Indonesian bank failed to detect some of the securities in the foreign exchange banks century, amounting to approximately 210 million U.S. dollar
2008 - Finally on 30 October and 3 November 2008 found various securities exchange asingyang is due and failure to pay until reaching 56 million U.S. dollar. meanwhile century bank experiencing liquidity problems. finally, posisis century bank yanggal decreased at 3.53% until October 31.
Bank Century case is further complicated because on the 13th November 2008 and on 17 November 2008 Antaboga delta-owned securities Tantular begin making payments to the products have been sold Bank Century in late 2007.
then on the 20th november 2008, the Indonesian bank to provide a letter stating that the finance minister century bank a failed bank that can deliver systemic impact.
therefore suggest the BI rescue through the LPS (deposit insurance agency). on the same day, KKSK (financial sector policy committee) consisting of finance ministers and LPS eventually decided that one shareholder is Tantular and 7 other people experience blocking shareholders.
lps finally decided to withdraw the funds at 2.2 trillion to boost CAR and save the soundness of a bank. after getting funds from banks LPS century started getting demands from customers amounted to 1.38 trillion rupiah. and there is no mistaking the investor funds flowed to Robert Tantular. at 31 december century bank recorded a loss of 7.8 trillion dollars in 2008. century bank in 2007 had assets seharga14, 26 trillion dollars but over time the asset is exhausted until leaving 5.86 trillion.
2009 - for health recover century bank, LPS re-inject funds of 1.5 trillion on 3 February 2009. Unfortunately the case did not stop there so the century bank regardless of Indonesian banks under special supervision.
on the 2nd of July 2009, the parliament began related lawsuit century bank rescue fund that is too large. The case has led Tantular with demands prison 8 years in prison and a fine of 50 billion. The verdict before the century bank management robert sued for 2.2 trillion dollars and ask the dpr and national police to pursue wealth Tantular of 19.25 billion U.S. dollar.
and on the 10th of November 2009 Tantular was sentenced 4 years in prison and a fine of 50 billion which is lighter than a lawsuit parliament.
Questions :
- What : Chronology of Early Crash Case of Bank Century
- When : 18 November 2008
- Where : Bank Century
- Who : Another cause is the collapse of Bank Century scam by the owners and management with embezzling clients' money. They are Robert Tantular, Member of the Board of Directors Dewi Tantular, Hermanus Hasan Muslim and Laurance Kusuma and Shareholders are Hesham Al Warraq and Rafat Ali Thalat Rijvi.
- Why : Beginning of the Century Bank case is experiencing less clearance on November 18, 2008. Losing clearing is a terminology that is understood by all people to describe the deficit of a bank. While clearing itself is the electronic exchange of financial data between clearing participants on behalf of participants or clients that they acquire at any given time.
- How : Sticking problems
a. That the problem is caused weakness in Bank Century Bank Indonesia oversee the operation of national banks, to the detriment of the State finances. BI considered negligent in the supervision, so the directors and owners of Century Bank since 2005, free to run customers' funds abroad through the issue of bonds bulging.
b. Parliament felt disregarded the government, because the government and the House agreed to spend just a recap of 1.3 trillion, in fact 6.7 trillion.
c. Century Bank takeover by the government through the LPS does not have a clear concept and will cause quite besar.Dana kerugianyang issued LPS in the attempt to rescue the Century, which reached Rp. 6.77 Trillion certainly will not be back. And would cause great harm, meaning that depositors memperetahankan LPS effort - depositors do not run failed.
- Conclusion
Bailout or government bailouts to banks century that swollen to $ 6.7 trillion from the original 1.3 trillion should be even conversation and debate. Not hanyua mass mediated among the experts and the government bureaucracy, but also the department as this relates to two aspects of politics and law.
Century bailout that now continues diperjualkan could be bad for the bank. Where will mengurangirasa believe customers in the banking world.
Century Bank case reflects the weak supervision of Bank Indonesia (BI), the central bank to commercial banks. The banks generally should receive strict supervision of the Central Bank.
The collapse of Bank Century has a negative impact on the image of the banking and systemic impact on the Indonesian economy if allowed to drag on. Therefore KSSK has taken steps to take over and inject some funds to rejuvenate although ultimately lead to various problems.
From the standpoint of the law, the Century Bank case has detected a violation of criminal acts by the owner and management by means of embezzlement. By the expert opinions of these activities can be classified as a crime corporation, which may be subject to criminal sanctions in accordance applicable legislation as criminal offense of corporate responsibility.
- Advice
-In the face of Bank Century case perlunnya good cooperation with the government, the Parliament and the Bank Indonesia.
-The government should be responsible to customers of Bank Century to be the money disbursed.
-There should be public transparency in resolving the Bank Century case so there is no corruption
-BPK audit should be carried out with due diligence and assisted by the police, the prosecutor, the Commission, Bank Indonesia.
Reference :
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